How to handle the acquisition of Altium (ALU.ASX) by Renesas Electronics
On 15 February 2024, Altium and Renesas announced that they had entered into a Scheme Implementation Agreement under which Renesas agreed to acquire or procure the acquisition of 100% of the issued shares in Altium by way of a scheme of arrangement.
- Record date: 25 July 2024
- Acquisition price: $68.50 per share in cash
Tax implications
Capital gain
Working out your net capital gain or net capital loss for the 2024 year
This acquisition is a taxable event. You can calculate your estimated tax liability using our CGT calculator. If you have more than one trade, you can add them in Sharesight and run the CGT Report to calculate your tax liability.
To work out your net capital gain or net capital loss for the year, you must take it into account:
- any other capital gains or capital losses you make in the 2024 income year from other transactions
- any net capital losses carried forwards from earlier income years
- whether you can apply the CGT discount to any part of your net capital gain.
Income tax
Working out your taxable income for the 2024 year
You need to declare the dividend received to the ATO when filing your 2024 tax return. Sharesight auto-populates this and all historical dividends in the Taxable Income Report.
To work out your total taxable income for the year, you must take it into account:
- any other investment income, such as dividend, interest or rental income received in the 2024 income year
- Total unfranked, franked amount and franking credit
- Income from partnerships and trusts such as managed funds and ETFs
How to update this in Sharesight
1 – On the overview page, select ALU.ASX
2 - Select Trades & Income tab
3 - Select Add trade or adjustment
4 - Trade date: 25 July 2024
5 - Trade type: Sell
6 - Quantity: All shares on hand
7 - Unit / Share price: 68.50
8 - Select Save trade
What happens to my shares after the acquisition?
All of your shares are cancelled in exchange for cash.
Do I need to take any action?
You do not need to take any action. Your shares will be sold by the broker/share registry, and the cash proceeds will be deposited into your nominated account or brokerage.
What do I receive for my shares?
You will receive $68.50 cash per share.
Will I owe Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on the acquisition?
This acquisition is a taxable event. You can calculate your estimated tax liability using our CGT calculator. If you have more than one trade, you can add them in Sharesight and run the CGT Report to calculate your tax liability.
Where can I find the official announcement and details?
You can find the scheme implementation document here.
The guide above is a suggestion on how to handle the corporate action in Sharesight and is not finance or tax advice. We advise you to consult your financial advisor or accountant. We also encourage you to review the official Documents for full details.
Last modified on November 7, 2024 UTC