Individual Holding Page

Each holding in your Sharesight portfolio has an Individual Holding Page where you can view all of the information relating to the holding. This page enables you to add and edit trades, adjustments and payouts, e.g. dividends or interest payments.

To access the Individual Holding Page, click on the holding name on the Portfolio Overview Page or search for the holding under the Holdings tab.

Important note: the performance figures at the top of this page relate only to the current holding (open position). You can run the Performance Report with the ‘Include’ gains option selected to view the total return including gains from any sales, or run the Sold Securities Report to view gains from sales only.

New holdings page

1 – Tabs to navigate to other pages and settings - Theses are navigation tabs to other pages, portfolio settings and features:

individual holdings page 2

2 – Portfolio dropdown menu - Dropdown menu to:

portfolio overview page 3

3 – Account settings dropdown menu - Dropdown menu to access account settings and account level functionality:

  • My Portfolios - Portfolio navigations
  • My Custom Groups - set up and manage Custom Groups
  • My Detail - Personal account detail; name, email address, etc.
  • Billing Details - Update your payment details or change your payment or billing cycle.
  • Change Plan - Veiw plans, upgrade your plan and view your invoices.
  • Sharesight API - view your ‘Sharesight Contect’ contection with Sharesight’s partnered.
  • All Sharing & Permissions - portfolios sharing settings
  • Logout

individual holding page 4

4 – Search bar - Type the name of code of a holding to navigate to their holding page.

Search option

5 – Holding name & code - This is the name and ticker of the holding. This is determined by Sharesight’s data provider and cannot be changed.

Holding name

6 – Summary - This view contains the performance summary, graphs, portfolio value and number of units, benchmark, asset classification and other important information relavent to the holding.

7 – Trades & income - Displays all your buy and sell transactions and adjustments for the holding that you have recorded in Sharesight.

To add a new sale or purchase of shares or an adjustment, click the ‘Enter a New Trade’ button.

To edit a trade click ‘Edit’ on the appropriate trade or adjustment row.

Trades and income

Sharesight automatically records corporate action events such as splits, consolidations, cancellations and bonus issues. Automatic trade status is indicated as ‘unconfirmed’.

Notes are automatically recorded for automatic trades. To add or edit notes, click ‘Edit’ on the appropriate adjustment row to be taken to the ‘Edit Trade Form’. The comments icon: comment indicates that comments have been recorded about the transaction.

Add trade or adjustment button - Click to add a trade or adjustment to the holding.

Add trade or adjustment button

All Income Table - Displays all your dividends recorded for the holding. Click the ‘show all income’ button to view past payments.

Dividends are automatically entered for you by Sharesight. Automatically entered dividends are indicated by the lightning bolt icon:

Note: It is important that you check and confirm all automatic dividends for accuracy as they are included in your Taxable Income Report. Sharesight relies on third party vendors for dividend information and we do our best to ensure that all data is as accurate as possible, however we are not responsible for missing or inaccurate data.

To edit a dividend click ‘Edit’ on the appropriate dividend row.

To record a new dividend manually, click the ‘Add dividend’ button.

Notes are automatically recorded for automatic dividends. To add or edit notes, click ‘Edit’ link on the appropriate dividend row. The Notes icon indicates that notes have been recorded about the dividend.

All income

Review automatic transactions - Function button to confirm multiple unconfirmed transactions.

Review automatic transactions button

8 – Notes & files - This is a notes area for you to add any notes on the holding for your record, e.g. you could make notes of goals for the holding or sale at X share price.

Attach files for your records and to have all your documentation in one place.

Notes and files

9 – Holding News - This section provides news on the holding. Currently Sharesight provides Yahoo news to all markets and Livewire and Cufflink from Holdings on the ASX.

10 – Edit holding - Contains settings for the holding:

  • Income details - Select income type: Trust or Non Trust. Set up an automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan (Currently supported for DRP-enabled holdings listed on the ASX and NZX). Dividend reinvestments can be manually set up for all other markets.)

  • Category Classification - Update the industry classification for the instrument.

  • Merge this holding - Function to merge a holding that has been wholly acquired.

  • Delete this holding - Note holdings cannot be restored once deleted.

Holding settings 2

11 – Date range dropdown menu - Choose the time period over which you wish to see the holding’s returns calculated.

Note: Selection criteria apply to the Summary Bar and Holding Graph.
Note: Sharesight currently updates ASX and NZX with 20 minute price delay and all other supported markets prices daily, shortly following the close of trading.

Since yesterday (open) Displays the gain since the start of trading for the previous day. This option will, therefore, display the price movement for the previous trading day if the current days prices have not yet been loaded, or for the previous two trading days if the current days prices have been loaded.

Since yesterday (close) Displays the gain since the previous day’s closing price. This option will return zero gain if the current days prices have not been loaded yet.

Holding page - date range drop down

12 – Holding Graph dropdown menu - Select the graph to represent the holding performance within the selected date range.

13 – Holding Summary - Displays the performance summary of the holding along with the monetary value and percentage p.a..

Total Return - The total return that has been achieved to date on currently held shares. It includes capital gains, dividends received and allows for the impact of currency movements if it is an overseas holding. If the date range is selected as ‘since fist purchase’, it is calculated from the first purchase date recorded for the holding. For any other date range it will pick up the market value of the report start date, based on the date range selected. Total return is shown in currency amount and as an annualised percentage.

Holding summary

14 – Holding Graph - The graph plots the performance of the share against an appropriate benchmark such as NZX50 or ASX200 depending on the Stock Exchange that the holding is listed on.

Symbols on the graph mark corporate action events as follows:

dividend-payment-symbol = Dividend Payment

bonus issue symbol = Bonus Issue

share cancellation symbol = Share Cancellation

share consolidation symbol = Share Consolidation

share split smbol = Share Split

individual holding page 8

13 – Benchmark - set any ETF in Sharesight’s database to use for comparison against your portfolio. This feature will add an additional row to the summary bar, which allows you to compare the percentage return of your portfolio to the percentage return of the benchmark.


16 – Current Value - The value of the holding based on today’s share prices (current price x current quantity, converted into your local currency if it is an overseas holding).

Note: The Holding summary is not affected by the date range selected.

17 – Price comparison - A visual representation of the average purchase price and current market price of the holding

Price Comparison

18 – Your investment infrmation:

Current Value - of holding in both the portfolio currency and holding currency (if an overseas holding).

Current Quantity - current number of shares owned.

Cost base p/share - Calculated by the holding’s cost base divided by quantity of shares. For holdings with multiple trades at different prices Sharesight calculates the cost base per share across all trades by the sale allocation method, average cost.

Note: The sale allocation method can be changed in the Capital Gains Tax Report for Australian portfolios and Traders Tax Report for New Zealand portfolios.

Cost base - The holding’s current total value.

Your investment

19 – Fundamentals - Price to earning ratio, earnings per share and net tangible assets per share.


Note: This feature is only available for ASX and NZX holdings.

20 – Labels - Manage and apply labels to your shares in order to customise your reports.

Labels_individual holding page

21 – Asset classifications -

Investment Type - displays investment categories and detailed description in brackets, for example; Interest Rate Securities (Fixed Rate Government Bond).

Country - country the company is registered in.

Sector Classification - the market field the holding is associated with.

Industry Classification - the field the holding is associated with. (Can be changed by selecting from the dropdown menu.)

Custom Grouping Classifications - If you have set up a Custom Grouping, this displays the group the holding is in. (This can be seen even when the Custom Grouping is not selected.

Asset classifications

Last modified on April 4, 2024 UTC

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