Add Foreign Currency

Tracking foreign exchange currency (FX) in your Sharesight portfolio.

Step by step guide to adding FX to your portfolio:

1 - Click on the ‘Manually add a Trade’ tile on the adding a holding page.

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2 - Type the foreign currency code in the ‘Search by name or code’ box.

Foreign exchange currency is on the FX: Foreign Exchange Market in Sharesight.

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3 - Select the date of the transaction from the dropdown calendar.

4 - Select if you are adding a ‘Buy’ or ‘Opening Balance’

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Buy - step by step guide

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5 - In the ‘Quantity’ box, input the number of foreign currency purchased from the Buy trade.

6 - Input the ‘Exchange Rate’ at the date of the Buy trade. Alternatively, select the exchange rate provided by Sharesight by selecting the rate below the box.

The exchange rate is foreign currency to the currency of the portfolio, as determined by the portfolio residency or vice versa. From the dropdown menu, you can select if the currency of the exchange rate.

7 - Input ‘Brokerage’ fees if there are any. Brokerage can be in foreign currency or the currency of the portfolio, as determined by the portfolio residency. Select the currency from the dropdown menu above.

8 - Total of the trade.

9 - Add a comment or attach a file to trade, such as the trade confirmation.

10 - Review and then click ‘Save trade’.

Once the trade is saved, your foreign currency will be added to your Sharesight portfolio and the Portfolio Overview Page will load.

If you haven’t set up Custom Grouping, your holdings will be grouped by market on the Portfolio Overview Page. Foreign exchange currency is located in Foreign Exchange Market, FX.

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Click on the foreign currency to load the Individual Holding Page of foreign currency. Foreign Currency new

Opening Balance - step by step guide

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5 - Input total foreign currency cost at Opening Balance date in ‘Cost base’.

6 - Input number of foreign currency at Opening Balance date in ‘Quantity’.

7 - ‘Market value’ is calculated by Sharesight using the ‘Quantity’ of foreign currency, divided by the exchange rate. The exchange rate is foreign currency to the currency of the portfolio as determined by the portfolio residency and can be edited by selecting the ‘edit’ link.

To change the market value, select the ‘edit’ link and input a ‘Market price’ and ‘Exchange rate’ at the date of the Open Balance.

8 - Average cost per share calculated by Sharesight.

9 - Add a comment or attach a file to trade, such as the trade confirmation.

10 - Review and then click ‘Save trade’.

Once the trade is saved, your foreign currency will be added to your Sharesight portfolio and the Portfolio Overview Page will load.

If you haven’t set up Custom Grouping, your holdings will be grouped by market on the Portfolio Overview Page. Foreign exchange currency is located in Foreign Exchange Market, FX.

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Click on the foreign currency to load the Individual Holding Page of foreign currency.

Foreign Currency new

Last modified on April 8, 2024 UTC

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