Beta Features

Sharesight makes certain new functionality and enhancements available on a beta (pre-release) basis for the purpose of gathering feedback and obtaining usage statistics. You can opt in to enable ‘beta features’ as described below.

It’s important to note that beta functionality may not yet be considered stable and/or may be part of a larger work in progress. As such, it should not be relied upon until it has been officially released. There is also no guarantee that beta functionality will be available to you on an ongoing basis.

Feedback and Communication

When you opt to enable beta features we will communicate with you about any important changes or when we would like your feedback. We may also use an orange beta tag to highlight any major new functionality.

Note: Only selected changes are released to the beta group ahead of time. Often there may be no additional functionality available.

Enabling Beta Features

A tickbox to enable beta features can be found on your Account Preference (accessible via the ‘Account Settings’ menu). If you are experiencing any problems as a result of enabling beta features, you may disable beta features at any time. This setting takes immediate effect.

Last modified on February 8, 2023 UTC

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