Sharing access of your portfolio

Share your Sharesight portfolio with other people.

This could be: - friends & family members - enable anyone to track the performance of your portfolio. - members of a share club - enable the whole club to track the performance and make informed investment decisions. - accountant or financial advisor – enable them to view your portfolio should you require professional guidance.

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There are 3 access levels:

  • Read Only – able to view all of the data in your portfolio, but will not be able to change or modify any of the data.

  • Read and Write – able to view all of the information in your portfolio as well as add, modify and delete shares, trades, and dividends. They will not be able to add new portfolios, alter any of the portfolio settings or invite additional users to view your portfolio.

  • Admin – able to view and modify all data in the portfolio as well as edit the portfolio settings, Xero settings, and Sharesight Connect settings. They will not be able to delete or rename the portfolio, or invite additional users to view your portfolio.

Once you have invited someone to access your portfolio, you can change their level of access to any of your portfolios at any time.

What happens when I invite someone?

People who are not currently Sharesight users will receive an email notifying them that they have been granted access to your portfolio. They will be given a free guest login to Sharesight where they can view your portfolio.

Existing Sharesight users will receive an email notifying them and they will see your portfolio included in their list of portfolios.

How to Shares access to a portfolio:

1 – Click on the ‘Setting’ tab.

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2 – Click on the ‘Portfolio Sharing’ tab.

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3 – Type the person’s first and last name in the fields provided.

4 – Type the person’s email address in the field ‘Email’.

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5 – Select the permission ‘Access level’ you would like the person to have.

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6 – Click ‘Share portfolio’ this will send an email with the invitation message to the client

The email invitation sends a message, you can edit this message.

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Last modified on December 29, 2022 UTC

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