Maintain a custom investments across multiple portfolios
If you need to record a holding for a custom investment or a holding that is listed on an exchange that Sharesight does not currently support you can use the custom investments functionality.
By default, custom investments are saved against an individual portfolio. Sharesight Business provides an additional option to create an instrument that is available across all portfolios in your account.
This means that you don’t have to create the instrument and maintain prices separately in each portfolio. To create an instrument, tick the ‘Add a custom investment’ tick-box. Select the ‘Visible to all my portfolios’ tick-box to create an instrument that is available across all portfolios in your account.
The visibility setting cannot be changed after creating the custom investment.
Note: When you opt to make an instrument visible to all portfolios, your client will not be able to add or edit prices. This prevents clients making changes that will affect other client portfolios. If you wish to create an instrument that your client can edit, un-tick the ‘Visible to all my portfolios’ tick-box to make the instrument private to the portfolio. You may check whether an instrument is visible to all portfolios in the Instrument Detail section in the right sidebar on the holding detail page.
Last modified on March 25, 2025 UTC