Exposure Report

Note: This report is only available to Sharesight Starter, Investor, Expert and Sharesight Pro plans. You can upgrade your plan to use this feature.

Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5RjKvX44-Q&t=182s

The Exposure report allows you to view the underlying individual stocks in each of your ETF portfolios. This report provides a comprehensive view of the exposure of your ETFs, alongside your direct investments.

It is essential to understand the exposure of the underlying assets for risk management and portfolio diversification. This ensures that your investments are spread out across different types of assets, reducing the risk to your overall portfolio. Additionally, understanding the exposure helps you manage any associated risks or losses by knowing what investments you have and how much risk they carry.

The report covers the main market ETFs such as AU, CA, NZ, UK and USA. The portfolio exposure for the current holdings is represented visually in a pie chart. A detailed breakdown by holding is provided in the table below the pie chart.

The report can be run to show the exposure of a portfolio by the following groupings:

  • Market
  • Currency
  • Sector Classification
  • Industry Classification
  • Investment type
  • Country
  • Do not group (This will be the default selection)

The report will indicate the top 50 - 500 underlying holdings that make up an ETF (only up to 50 underlying holdings are available in the Starter plan), with any other holdings grouped together as “Residual ETF”. Any holdings that you possess directly will be designated as “Direct” in the report.

Exposure report is also available in ‘consolidated views’.

How to run Sharesight’s Exposure Report:

1 – From any page click on the ‘Report’ tab.

Diversity report - 1

2 – Click the ‘Exposure Report’ tile.

Exposure 2

3 – Select the grouping you wish to view the diversity of your portfolio in:

  • Market
  • Currency
  • Sector Classification
  • Industry Classification
  • Investment type
  • Country
  • Do not group (Holdings) Please note that the custom groupings will not available.

Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 3.53.33 pm

4 – Select the number of underlying holdings you wish to view.

Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 3.53.53 pm

5 – Click on ‘run report’ button.

Exposure aa

The pie chart and holding table will reload with the selected grouping.

Exposure Report results overview

Exposure 5

a – The Pie chart - Gives a graphical representation of the portfolio’s exposure, depending on the grouping chosen. If ‘do not group’ is selected, the exposure is shown by each holding. Residual ETF balance which be shown separately.

b – List of holdings - This includes the list of direct and underlying holdings in your portfolio.

c – Ownership indicator:

Direct holdings - ‘Direct holding’ refer to the percentage and value of a holding that you have directly invested in. ‘

Underlying holdings - ‘Underlying holding’ refers to the percentage and value of an underlying stock held by the respective ETF.

Nested holdings - ‘Nested holding’ appears where the only underlying holding of an ETF is another ETF. For this type of ETF’s (example;IVV.ASX and IVV.NYSE), the underlying holdings of the second ETF will be shown with the ‘nested holding badge’.

d – Exposure Percentage - This refers to the exposure of each stock as a percentage from the current portfolio value.

e – Value - This refers to the current portfolio value of the holding.

f – Arrow indicator - Click on this arrow to view the exposure of each stock. The directly owned and underlying holding exposure percentage and value will be displayed.

g – Residual ETFs - The report will display up to the top 500 underlying holdings (only up to 50 in the Starter plan) that make up an ETF, the rest of the holdings or any holding that can’t be matched will be grouped under ‘Residual ETF’. This means if any of the underlying holdings are not supported in Sharesight it will also fall under ‘Residual ETF’.

h – Percentage and total portfolio value - The total percentage and the current portfolio value will be displayed at the end of the table.

Note: Click on any column heading to reorder the table by the contents of that column.

Last modified on October 11, 2024 UTC

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