Manually forwarding broker trade confirmations

It is possible to manually forward trade confirmations to Sharesight yourself.

You may wish to do this if your broker is unable to email them to Sharesight or if you wish to populate your portfolio through historical Trade Confirmations.

Note: Only forward valid Trade Confirmations in PDF format - Invoices, remittance advice, order confirmations, etc, are unable to be processed.

In order to ensure correct processing, please ensure that you:

1 – Copy your Portfolio Email Address.

2 – Forward the trade confirmation emails from your broker to the portfolio email address.

3 – Add your broker’s name in the email subject line.

Note: In order to ensure a correct match, type the broker’s name exactly as it appears in our list of supported brokers.

3 – Alternatively, you can setup an email forwarding rule in your personal inbox to automatically forward all trade confirmations to your portfolio.

Last modified on September 16, 2022 UTC

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