Confirming multiple and individual unconfirmed transactions
Content also available for tax entities or on our global site.Confirming multiple unconfirmed transactions
In your Sharesight portfolio you can confirm multiple unconfirmed transactions quickly and easily from the Individual Holding Page for each holding.
1 – On the Portfolio Overview Page, click on the holding.
2 – On the Individual Holding Page, select “Trades & income” tab and click on ‘Review automatic transactions’ button.
3 – Each unconfirmed transaction will show in the ‘Income list’.
Review the transaction data on the ‘Unconfirmed transactions’ pop up window.
If a transaction requires amending either untick the box on the left of the transaction and edit and confirm the transaction later individual or click ‘Edit’. This will load the ‘Edit a Payment’ pop window and you will now be confirming only one transaction.
Once you have amended the transaction and clicked the ‘save and confirm payout’ button on the ‘Edit a Payment’ window, you will need to redo steps 1 and 2 to confirm the rest of the unconfirmed transactions.
4 – Once you have unticked the transaction(s) you wish to amend later, click ‘Confirm selection’.

will disappear. This data is now permanently saved against your portfolio and will no longer automatically recalculate when you make changes to the holding .e.g. adjusting or adding additional trades.
Confirming individual unconfirmed transactions
In your Sharesight portfolio you can confirm individual unconfirmed transactions quickly and easily from the Individual Holding Page for each holding.
1 – On the Portfolio Overview Page, click on the holding.
2 – On the Individual Holding Page, select “Trades & income” tab and click on “confirm” link within the trade you would like to confirm.
3 – Review the information on the ‘Edit a Payment’ pop up window and edit if required.
4 – Click ‘Save and confirm payout’.

will disappear. This data is now permanently saved against your portfolio and will no longer automatically recalculate when you make changes to the holding .e.g. adjusting or adding additional trades.
Last modified on March 27, 2024 UTC