Historical Cost Report

Content also available for New Zealand tax entities or on our global site.

The Historical Cost Report within Sharesight shows opening and closing balances at cost price.

This report is designed for people with shares under a company or family trust that are required to prepare annual accounts each year. The report also includes a ‘market value’ column to allow a quick comparison between cost price and market value at the end of the chosen date range.

The portfolio holdings are organised by a specified grouping in the holding table, default is by market.

Running the Historical Cost Report:

Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvWo0kLuNoc

1 – From any page click on the ‘Report’ tab.


2 – Click the ‘Historical Cost Report’ tile.


3 – From the dropdown calendar, select the date range you would like to run the report in. By default the current tax year is displayed.


4 – Click on ‘advanced options’ link.


To select the grouping you which to view the trades of your portfolio in:

  • Market
  • Currency
  • Sector Classification
  • Industry Classification
  • Investment type
  • Country
  • Do not group (Holdings)
  • Custom Group - If you have already created Custom Groups, you can view the holdings in your portfolio via your own organised specifications

If you haven’t already created Custom Groups, you can click the ‘Custom Group Settings’ to set up a Custom Group to organise your holdings into your own specifications.

You can also click ‘Custom Group Settings’ to edit your Custom Groups.


5 – Within the ‘advanced options’ settings, click the ‘Include brokerage’ box if you would like to include brokerage costs as part of the asset cost of your investments. Alternatively you can exclude brokerage if you account for this separately as an expense.

6 – Click on the ‘Apply’ button to apply your chosen setting.


The holding table will reload with the selected date range, grouping and settings.


Click on any column heading to reorder the table by the contents of that column.

Click on the holding to load the holding’s Individual Holding Page.

Opening Balance - The value of the shares at the beginning of the period valued at their cost price.

Purchases - The value of any purchases during the period valued at their cost price.

Sales - The value of any sales during the period valued at the cost price of the shares sold. Sold shares are valued on a pro-rata basis of all previous share purchases.

Closing Balance - The value of the shares at the end of the period valued at their cost price.

Closing Market Value - The market value of the shares at the end of the period. This figure is provided as a comparison against the closing balance figure. The Historical Cost Report can be exported to Spreadsheet, PDF or into Google Drive.

Last modified on March 20, 2025 UTC

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