Changing the tax setting of your portfolio

Content also available for New Zealand and Australian tax entities or on our global site.

If you want to change the tax setting in a portfolio with a tax residency from one of the countries below, please click on the country and follow the country specific instructions:

To change your existing default tax setting from ‘Non-registered’, standard tax rules:

1 – Select the ‘Settings’ tab.

2 – Select the ‘Tax settings’ tab.

3 – Select your chosen ‘Tax Entity Type’. Set the Tax Entity of your portfolio to be either:

  • Non-registered - standard tax rules apply (default).

  • Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) - Non-resident withholding tax does not apply for US stocks.

  • Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) - Non-resident withholding tax does not apply for US stocks.

  • Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)  - Income from Canadian investments will be treated as no-taxable by default and not appear on the Taxable Income Report. Non-resident withholding tax still applies.

The ‘Inclusion rate’ percentage can be manually adjusted by typing the percentage in the box.

4 – Click ‘Save’.

CA Tax Setting

Last modified on December 29, 2022 UTC

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